[_NSA_] No Strings Attached


Recruiting Status:

NSA is currently actively recruiting.

Requirements For NSA Membership:

1. Recent stats of 1500 WN8 or more.
2. Recent Win rate of 50% or more.
3. Have at least 6000+ In Game PR rating minimum.
4. 2-3 nights a week of clan activity required.
5. Use of mic, teamspeak and clan tools is required for membership.

If you feel you have what it takes to become a NSA and you meet or exceed the above requirements and would like to be considered for membership please feel free to submit an application at the link supplied below:

Apply To NSA By Clicking Here: https://na.wargaming.net/clans/wot/1000043039/

NSA TS Info: glycol.typefrag.com:9245

If you have further questions regarding recruitment please contact whiteout2204 for more information.

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 5

Media battaglie10515
Ø WN81786,65
% vittorie52,06%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan
