[TUC2] Umbrella

Aut Vincere Aut Mori, Latin for: Either To Conquer Or To Die.


We are a Clan that participates in clan based events, and are involved In Clan Wars. We are looking to the future.
Tiers 6 and up only need apply, consideration may be given to a lower tier.
We are the Originators of the "Piranha Patrol", If you should be on the enemy side, your destruction will be swift.
Raidcall is Required and EXPECTED to be used while in game (WOT).
No age requirement, but keep in mind we are for the most part an adult clan and language may get harsh at times.
Please join us at: http://t-uc.enjin.com/

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 4

Media battaglie4188
Ø WN8552,88
% vittorie47,03%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan
