[TDWP] The Desert Wolf Pack

Only the best remain; those that leave do not strive to be the best!


Looking for the mature player, those who want to grow with a friendly group of seasoned veterans and new members willing to play in a team environment; a sense of humor and camaraderie is a must. Only team motivated players need apply!

Not worried about your gaming stats, care more about how you play within as a team member. We also consider your willingness to teach and learn from others (a positive trait) in this often-times crazy game. So, if you consider yourself our kind of player, "The Desert Wolf Pack" is for you. Come and join us!

We expect you to obtain teamspeak3. http://www.TEAMSPEAK3.com - it's a must!!!
Let us know and we will get you hooked up!
Let's have fun and grow together.

Clan Motto: One member does not a Clan make!

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 2

Media battaglie625
Ø WN8243,57
% vittorie45,80%

Membri del clan

#Nome30D WN830D BattlesWN8% vittorieBattaglieUltima battagliaPosizioneEntrato
1oberstklink20,000433,7351,81%249Ufficiale Esecutivo

Statistiche skirmish

#Nome7D Battles30D Battles

Storia del clan
