[SPACD] Spaced Armour

No power in the Verse can stop us.


Communications Requirements:
TeamSpeak 3 connectivity with microphone.

WN8 Requirements:
1250+ overall
1600+ recent

We will utilize the player statistics available at http://wotlabs.net to validate WN8 requirements.

Tank Requirements:
Minimum: 2 Clan Wars viable Tier 6 and Tier 8 tanks

Clan Wars and Stronghold availability: 4+ days per week
Current Battle Start Times: 1700 and 1800 Pacific / 2000 and 2100 Eastern

Please message Corwin_of_Amber on the Wargaming Website or in game for details.

As well, you can stop by our teamspeak server at anytime.
TS3 Address: spaced.no-ip.info

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 10

Media battaglie1120
Ø WN81468,01
% vittorie54,31%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan
