[SNS-R] Stars n' Stripes: Rising Nations

"We fight, get beat, rise and fight again". MG N. Greene


SNS-R is the senior training clan in the SNS-XARC World of Tanks gaming community.Our mission is to prepare our members for deployment to SNS-A, the senior clan wars fighting clan in our community. As a member of SNS-R you will be offered the opportunity to improve your individual tanking skills and you will learn how to function as a member of a fighting unit. We do skills training, we fight in platoons and we participate in team battles and company battles. Part of your training schedule will also include participation in clan war battles to confirm the skills you have learned. We are all “tank nuts”. We enjoy "tanking" together in a relaxed digital community with standards.
To become a member of the SNS-XARC gaming community you must: be able to express yourself in English;
have access Teamspeak 3, headset with a microphone and be willing to participate in some clan activities.
Teamspeak address: tankjunky.mainvoice.net:7138
website: http://starsnstripes.enjin.com

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 2

Media battaglie2446
Ø WN8580,21
% vittorie48,39%

Membri del clan

#Nome30D WN830D BattlesWN8% vittorieBattaglieUltima battagliaPosizioneEntrato

Statistiche skirmish

#Nome7D Battles30D Battles

Storia del clan
