[OTSF] On The Slaughter Front

We play for fun and comradery!


We are making this clan with a focus on clan reserves and platooning together. No win rate is required! Reserves will be active based on % of clan members on at any given time. Anyone is welcome to join our discord to see if you fit in. For more info, please join the discord.

Whats expected and perks:
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/TbPtYcXgvE
Auto accept into the clan.
Active all day but mostly in the evenings.
Stronghold-focused (for reserves).
Casuals welcomed/Casual atmosphere (if you are only worried about winning, you need not apply)
New players are welcome.
Platoon recommended.
No politics or religious talks!
Be respectful to the clan.
Tier 10 is not required.
Voice chat is not required.
Age 13+ allowed into the clan (must be able to be mature)

If all this sounds good to you, please feel free to join. SEE YOU ON THE SLAUGHTER FRONT!

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 8

Media battaglie926
Ø WN8354,00
% vittorie43,26%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan
