[NERIO] Servants of Duellona


We are the Servants of Duellona

We are looking for active players to run Strongholds, and eventually, the Global Map

Right now we are focusing on Tier 6 SHs, so we ask that you have at least 1 tier 6 in your garage that you enjoy playing

We will be moving to Tier 8 soon, so be ready to go

Recent WN8 Requirement of 1700, 1 Tier 10, and 3 Tier 8s in your garage

We use Discord rather than TS, link to our server: https://discord.gg/vSZBj9e

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 2

Media battaglie411
Ø WN81487,20
% vittorie51,40%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan
