[IJAG] It's Just A Game

When it stops being fun, it's time to stop!


We are a group of players/friends that enjoying having fun together. We are a social group. We want a drama free environment. We don't take the game TOO seriously because after all, it is JUST A GAME. Real world will always come first. We run timed platoons and participate in skirmishes.

We use TS3 for our coms.

If you're interested in joining, talk to any member of the clan. Each new member is on a probationary period of 30 days. If we feel as if you are not a good fit, you will be dismissed.

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 12

Media battaglie14978
Ø WN8912,07
% vittorie48,36%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan
