[GLION] Golden Lion - the 106th ID

GLION - honoring those American troops that faced the German offensive in the Ardennes


Tanking, enjoying the game, and working together. We know this is just a game and we play it as such.

There are a few things that we do ask of you:

1. Game for fun, not for retaliation or retribution. Use the MUTE and IGNORE functions before ranting/raging.
2. We do not take it too seriously, it is just a game.
3. Be willing to become a better tanker.
4. Be willing to get on COMMS.
5. Be active and willing to help others.
6. Be willing to listen to our leadership.
7. Be willing to give input and ideas.

We agree to enjoy this game and to never take it seriously. We realize this is just a game we each play and we, no matter the case, will have fun. Our focus for clan activity is skirmish battles, possibly Clan Wars in the future. We encourage personal goals and teamwork to help accomplish those goals. Our clan activites will reflect these goals. Join us and share your tanking goals!

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 14

Media battaglie11484
Ø WN8920,21
% vittorie48,77%

Membri del clan

#Nome30D WN830D BattlesWN8% vittorieBattaglieUltima battagliaPosizioneEntrato
1dan27x0,0001399,1349,83%4210Ufficiale junior
2TANK8RAIDER0,0001391,3851,86%12348Ufficiale Esecutivo
4Frozencola0,000989,5049,21%8352Ufficiale intelligence
5Target_70,000966,7649,25%29220Ufficiale Esecutivo
7Enforcer30,000940,7550,51%5074Ufficiale di Combattimento
8killnchickens0,000833,2048,07%14793Ufficiale di Combattimento
10MPDogs0,000799,5647,49%9074Ufficiale junior
11DaCrush0,000719,9246,32%15650Ufficiale di Combattimento
123rdDegreeRamen0,000655,4248,33%23123Ufficiale Esecutivo
13sgt_falcon0080,000389,8645,82%6637Ufficiale di Combattimento

Storia del clan
