[C_C_T] Carpe Cervisiam Tanking

Still Seizing That Beer


C_C_T is part of the Carpe Cervisiam Gaming community, working as the training clan currently. Our goal is to build this clan as a true child clan, participating in Clan Wars and Skirmishes alongside C_C_G. While C_C_T is young and small, our community is large and fun. We have low requirements here in C_C_T as well.

1: Must be 18 Years or older.
2: You must have a Tier 8 Tech Tree or Premium tank
3: Minimum PR Requirement is 2000
4: Activity is required, although not as stringent as C_C_G. 2 Days a week or more, preferable.
5: We use Discord for communication. Use it or lose it.

We hope to see you on the battlefield. GL&HF!

The few, the proud, the inebriated!

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 17

Media battaglie5010
Ø WN81175,82
% vittorie49,38%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan
