[BYOT] Bring Your Own T_______ !

Play some - Win some - Have Fun !


...May you bring your own tank, tanker, tank destroyer, trooper, thrill, torpor, tenacity, tra-la-la, tracer, tracks, trackman, tractor, tractrix, tactic, trade, trafficator, tragopan (for BBQs during camping), trailer, train, trait, tram, trajectory, trampling, transaxle, tranceiver, transect, transistor, transmission, transmitter, transmogrification, transmuter, transpiration, tickover, ticker, tickey, tick-tock, tidbit, tie-rod, tie-down, tier, talisman, tiger, tilbury, tiller, timezone, timing chain, tin can, tin hat, tip-off, tepee (for camping sessions), tocsin (aka 6th sense), Tog, tomato, tampion.... It's all good .... now, BYOT does not really enjoy tiffs, traitors, tin gods or toerags ... but most importantly, we should all hope for BYOT to never get tonked !

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 18

Media battaglie6192
Ø WN8940,00
% vittorie48,85%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan
