[BSHRC] 0007thBlacksheep_hard_core_reaper_crew

Fun with Firepower - Join, Learn & Earn With the Black Sheep HRC


The Black Sheep Hard Core Reaper Crew is currently seeking active players to be a part of our rebuilding. We seek new members who want to earn and learn!

Our primary mission is to build our team and resources so as to be able to participate in Strongholds and Skirmishes. To do this we have to play and think as a team.

We are also looking for players that want to be leaders. Leadership is the path that creates opportunity for all. Therefore the core requirement is that you be willing to prioritize and participate in Strongholds battles if you are in game.

This is about fun, friends and teamwork.

Finally, you hold any officer position from Recruiter on up, you must register with the clan site.

We want to have fun, win and earn resources and gold so as to raise our ability and earn respect for our gamesmanship.

Reach out to any XO for further information or an interview.

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 45

Media battaglie10911
Ø WN8915,69
% vittorie48,08%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan
