[-VX-] VooDoo Xesy

Killing in the name of ....


VooDoo Xesy [-VX-] is a mature clan focused on excellent play from its members in public platoon matches on NA Servers.
Currently VooDoo Xesy has members from across the Globe who play tiers I through X which we try to balance in platoons so MatchMaker places our platoons in the top tier for each match.
We do expect a mature attitude, and a willingness to learn.
We all strive for Constant Improvement and
(You don't have to spend RL Money, but we do expect you play enough to keep your tanks stocked using Credits.)

We also play Skirmish,Stronghold, Team Battles and future clan war.
VooDoo Xesy uses TeamSpeak 3, and our website is: http://voodooxesy.enjin.com

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 10

Media battaglie3876
Ø WN81137,35
% vittorie49,48%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan
