[-KK-] Khaos Kings

If you're King of causing Khaos, then join the Khaos Kings


Khaos Kings are looking for active players who want to be in a competitive, yet social clan which partakes in Clan Wars, Strongholds, and Platooning. We will be battling in the all time zones possible.

2-3 Nights a week for Clan Wars participation. If in game you are expected to participate.
Must have TeamSpeak
800+ WN8/overall
Must have Tier 8 or higher Tanks (CW Viable)
MUST be in Teamspeak during CW prime time!
Be competitive without making WOT your life.
Gold Payouts when we are active on the Global Map
All time zone battles

If interested please come into our Teamspeak or contact Bo_Dacious or Zman
Teamspeak- ts77.gameservers.com:9149

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 17

Media battaglie11059
Ø WN81469,49
% vittorie51,35%

Membri del clan

#Nome30D WN830D BattlesWN8% vittorieBattaglieUltima battagliaPosizioneEntrato
2Hojimaying0,0001949,2053,48%10615Ufficiale Reclutatore
3Aeistanking0,0001845,0353,74%29878Ufficiale Reclutatore
5Cobalt_Dragon1695,20251501,5150,51%21105Ufficiale Reclutatore
6dustytrax0,0001488,0753,84%2407Ufficiale Esecutivo
7xeomkoem0,0001457,4247,37%9919Ufficiale Reclutatore
8Firemann40,0001411,7049,41%7867Ufficiale Reclutatore
9VonsGhost0,0001406,2849,77%1983Ufficiale Esecutivo
10quidda0,0001319,0552,02%27404Ufficiale Reclutatore
11campfest0,0001244,1651,24%1733Ufficiale Reclutatore
12Zman42110,0001231,8750,56%9776Ufficiale Esecutivo
13locster14750,0001056,7849,76%5981Ufficiale Reclutatore
14WhiteTwerk0,0001056,7049,53%6503Ufficiale Reclutatore
15DOOMPIMP0,0001016,4950,47%16272Ufficiale Reclutatore
16TakeFaire0,000972,2152,65%792Ufficiale Reclutatore
17DetectiveCookie0,000957,6352,75%1799Ufficiale Reclutatore

Storia del clan
