[UKE] United Kingdom Elite Gentlemen's Club

Victoriam in Fortitudine


We are a mature Gaming Clan,Looking for new players,All levels welcome
We expect Teamwork ,and Communication ,and above all FUN
You should have a good working understanding of English ,and be able to work in a Group Environment
Banter is encouraged ,and plenty of beer
Mature attitude is expected, Mutual Respect for fellow players
Please join us on our Teamspeak 3 server to complete your Membership
Teamspeak 3 ( Must be used when playing) teamspeak3.i3d.net:10213

www.uke-clan.com join the forum for more details

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 16

Media battaglie4260
Ø WN81059,63
% vittorie49,52%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan
