[SAHRA] SAHRA Everywhere



1) Tanks Required:
❋ Heavy Tanks:
I. Obj. 260/Obj. 277
II. T95/FV4201 Chieftain/S. Conqueror
III. Obj. 279 (e)
❋ Medium Tanks:
I. CS-63
II. Obj. 907/Obj. 140

2) Damage per Game DPG in at least 50 battles should be as follow:
• Medium tanks (CS-63/Obj. 140): > 2500 DPG
• Heavy and fast tanks (S. Conq./Obj. 277): > 2700 DPG
• Reward Tanks: (T95/FV4201 Chieftain/Obj. 279 (e)/Obj. 260/Obj. 907): > 3000 DPG

3) Every player in the clan is required to participate in clan activities (Advances, Training) 3 per week with a minimum of 12 advance battles per week.

Discord: https://discord.gg/bCdaxvsHYW

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 44

Media battaglie20682
Ø WN81593,22
% vittorie51,65%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan

dodo_2012Uscito 16/03/2025, 17:24 UTC
mallokeUscito 02/03/2025, 08:17 UTC
ashaaaUscito 28/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
Nightflam3Uscito 27/02/2025, 21:05 UTC