[ROM-S] Romanian`s PRO players

Dornici sa crestem impreuna!


Pentru noi jocul in echipa este cel mai important, cautam orice tip de jucator dornic sa faca parte dintr-o comunitate stransa, unde ne dam sfaturi si ne distram.NU CONTEAZA WTR-UL!!! :D
Platforma de comunicare este discordul: https://discord.gg/yfVgGYZY .

EN- For us teamwork is the most important thing, we are looking forward to any type of player who wants to be part of a close community, where we have fun and give advices. THE WTR DOES NOT MATTER!!! :D
We use discord in order to communicate: https://discord.gg/yfVgGYZY .

Te asteptam pe discord! :D

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 2

Media battaglie4097
Ø WN8848,42
% vittorie47,78%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan
