[RDDTM] RDDTM RedditM AKA RedditY: The Front Lines of the Internet

MMMMM We gonna kick some a$$


Also known as "RDDTY": https://eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500050676/

We play daily advances starting from 19:00 CET.
We run 5+ credit boosters a day.
Commander: S_I_B

Recruitment: OPEN
- At least 2 vehicles from: 60tp, 260/277 and CS-63
- +3 other semi-meta Tier X vehicles pref.
- A willingness to learn off of experienced players & FCs
- Available at least 4 nights a week to participate in Advances
- A microphone & a strong understanding of English

All recruits are subject to a 14 day trial (seek recruiter for further information)

Apply via #apply-here on the discord or message a Recruiter/Personnel Officer.
Or alternatively connect to our Teamspeak: (

Campaign Achievements
War Gods: 50 tanks
Maneuvers: 52 tanks with our good friends RDDTX
Maneuvers 2.0: 46 tanks

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 76

Media battaglie33915
Ø WN81817,61
% vittorie53,18%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan

RoksheEntrato27/03/2025, 22:34 UTC
MahoganyEntrato27/03/2025, 21:37 UTC
OwnedByRNGEntrato27/03/2025, 21:37 UTC
MrFunnyMr_TrucIsBeastUscito 27/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Benji_1996Entrato27/03/2025, 20:27 UTC
gofastandrushEntrato27/03/2025, 20:11 UTC
Alexander_BurgmanEntrato27/03/2025, 20:11 UTC
the_guy_2002Entrato27/03/2025, 19:56 UTC
FaZiREntrato27/03/2025, 19:17 UTC
URNIGHTMARE_ARTYEntrato27/03/2025, 19:16 UTC
Kacuniu_14Entrato27/03/2025, 19:08 UTC
Pancake_The_EgyptianEntrato27/03/2025, 18:58 UTC
Paradox182Entrato27/03/2025, 18:49 UTC
DoubleLeftClickEntrato27/03/2025, 18:45 UTC
Catch_that_HEATEntrato27/03/2025, 18:45 UTC
carpetburnEntrato27/03/2025, 18:32 UTC
ArmouredPenguinEntrato27/03/2025, 18:32 UTC
Mini1nEntrato27/03/2025, 18:32 UTC
ZonEntrato27/03/2025, 18:31 UTC
_LuckerEntrato27/03/2025, 18:19 UTC
____Alfi____Entrato27/03/2025, 17:54 UTC
_S_I_B_Entrato27/03/2025, 17:52 UTC
McTibEntrato27/03/2025, 17:13 UTC
Vanator112Entrato27/03/2025, 17:13 UTC
TP_amxEntrato27/03/2025, 15:37 UTC
fabianu2004Entrato27/03/2025, 15:22 UTC
SilentKiller_TVEntrato27/03/2025, 15:06 UTC
Major_ErrorLoadingDataEntrato27/03/2025, 15:05 UTC
ssh4deEntrato27/03/2025, 15:05 UTC
SpykiIlerEntrato27/03/2025, 15:05 UTC
savit1Entrato27/03/2025, 15:05 UTC
SilentPathFinderEntrato27/03/2025, 15:05 UTC
General_QuartersEntrato27/03/2025, 15:05 UTC
Y_Akuma_YEntrato27/03/2025, 15:05 UTC
VK_72_K_enjoyerEntrato27/03/2025, 15:05 UTC
RevolutionizeEntrato27/03/2025, 15:03 UTC
VisjeInHetWaterUscito 27/03/2025, 14:17 UTC
houblondeEntrato27/03/2025, 12:09 UTC
Too_SeriousEntrato27/03/2025, 12:08 UTC
mopo65Entrato27/03/2025, 12:08 UTC
TheFrenchMexicanUscito 26/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
The_beardedscoutUscito 26/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
VoveriuskaUscito 26/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
opjemuilgouwUscito 26/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
opjemuiIgouwUscito 26/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
sakamokosUscito 26/03/2025, 17:39 UTC
RlCH_Uscito 26/03/2025, 17:27 UTC
n0scopeUscito 26/03/2025, 14:19 UTC
N1sl1jaUscito 26/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
MilongasUscito 26/03/2025, 08:20 UTC
TaavIUscito 25/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
el_ninnoUscito 25/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
SV_NighthawkUscito 25/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
mendoza03Uscito 25/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
mike_vUscito 25/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
mopo65Uscito 25/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
_Old_Deus_Yenger_Uscito 25/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
NedixEntrato25/03/2025, 19:00 UTC
RlCH_Entrato23/03/2025, 17:48 UTC
Jobu_TupakiEntrato18/03/2025, 19:31 UTC
Hoolygan_Is_UnicumUscito 14/03/2025, 05:40 UTC
opjemuilgouwEntrato10/03/2025, 17:37 UTC
iugrifmaEntrato09/03/2025, 17:14 UTC
ProGamer_TrucIs0AvgDmgEntrato09/03/2025, 17:14 UTC
sakamokosEntrato09/03/2025, 12:54 UTC
nairo8Entrato08/03/2025, 19:50 UTC
iHaveVeryMuchIQEntrato08/03/2025, 19:50 UTC
stiel1105Entrato07/03/2025, 19:44 UTC
VisjeInHetWaterEntrato07/03/2025, 19:44 UTC
GIRAF_Bruno_BrrrrrrrrEntrato07/03/2025, 19:44 UTC
Hoolygan_Is_UnicumEntrato07/03/2025, 18:19 UTC
Chuckst3Entrato07/03/2025, 18:13 UTC
Veln3sEntrato07/03/2025, 18:13 UTC
mirso1Entrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
MicallumEntrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
n0scopeEntrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
MuldinEntrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
torbendjEntrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
_mAncO_Entrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
captain_andreyEntrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
ArticiusEntrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
mopo65Entrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
Mads_FrostEntrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
ITABIGONIEntrato07/03/2025, 09:26 UTC
RDDTYUscito 06/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
JuhlifyEntrato06/03/2025, 20:50 UTC
flippy_11Entrato06/03/2025, 20:50 UTC
noah555Entrato06/03/2025, 18:55 UTC
TOMNYJgamingEntrato06/03/2025, 17:57 UTC
Eden____Entrato06/03/2025, 17:57 UTC
Mr_JikoEntrato06/03/2025, 17:56 UTC
lou14Entrato06/03/2025, 17:56 UTC
DADDY_SpenserEntrato06/03/2025, 17:56 UTC
L0_0neEntrato06/03/2025, 17:56 UTC
berty_steelEntrato06/03/2025, 17:56 UTC
RDDTMEntrato06/03/2025, 17:56 UTC
ilias910Entrato06/03/2025, 11:56 UTC
IgOr_ThE_TiGoREntrato06/03/2025, 11:56 UTC
CLV_007_MDEntrato06/03/2025, 09:39 UTC
HuyumKurusunEntrato06/03/2025, 09:39 UTC
N1sl1jaEntrato06/03/2025, 09:39 UTC
TaavIEntrato05/03/2025, 19:19 UTC
King_BurraEntrato05/03/2025, 19:19 UTC
MrFunnyMr_TrucIsBeastEntrato04/03/2025, 18:58 UTC
VoveriuskaEntrato04/03/2025, 18:58 UTC
opjemuiIgouwEntrato04/03/2025, 18:58 UTC
nejlepsitanecnikdiscoEntrato03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
The_beardedscoutEntrato03/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
TheFrenchMexicanEntrato02/03/2025, 20:36 UTC
corujaowlEntrato26/02/2025, 20:55 UTC