[RAF-H] Special Forces RAF-HMU

Intelligence + patience=medals Ranger Bruteforce Sentinel ! More details atparehu.com - team wins !


You enter only those very disciplined and well trained - Pay attention to instructions during battles ! Aici sa intre numai cei foarte disciplinati si bine pregatiti - atentie la indicatiile pe timpul luptelor !
Who enter the clan on merit promotions are tomorrow!Functions of officers for the disciplined play . https://www.facebook.com/RafhRoH/ Cautam jucatori intelegenti si civilizati .We are looking for intelligent and civilized players.

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 100

Media battaglie20678
Ø WN8877,64
% vittorie47,25%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan

EdWarD762MMEntrato23/03/2025, 19:16 UTC
RunOrD1eEntrato15/03/2025, 17:37 UTC
___CasperEntrato12/03/2025, 18:28 UTC
NiceerdeiserUscito 12/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
SI_JostEntrato02/03/2025, 19:31 UTC
vespaziannUscito 25/02/2025, 00:17 UTC
Teava_FinaUscito 22/02/2025, 05:53 UTC