[R0GUE] Rogue Platoon (GB)

"Fortes soli, fortiores una" ("strong alone, stronger together")


founded by Rastamouse R0GUE is an easy-going clan that's focused on platoons and skirmishes. All our members are of a good standard and play on a regular basis. there are no dead accounts in this clan every members is an active player
We are a English speaking clan who play for fun, we try to play at our best, to learn from each other and to improve. We enjoy working, fighting and winning as a team. Above everything else, we have fun and make friends and help each other.

we are looking for commanders who can lead us in CW and skirmishes.

we have a dedicated discord server to, https://discord.gg/WjfYrM

if you don't meet the requirements join our recruiting clan R0GU3 or message one of us for a test battle as a legionnaire in one of our skirmishes

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 14

Media battaglie12356
Ø WN81066,34
% vittorie49,77%

Membri del clan

#Nome30D WN830D BattlesWN8% vittorieBattaglieUltima battagliaPosizioneEntrato
1onehanded_gameplay0,0001907,7253,19%141Ufficiale junior
2PeperAlex1464,33241539,9052,42%9995Ufficiale del personale
4WooTMe1354,805071196,8249,59%40528Ufficiale Esecutivo
6solowing10,0001040,9949,64%27669Ufficiale Esecutivo
7m_jozev0,000972,8350,73%14811Ufficiale junior
8GRANDTHROBLORD0,000968,2149,40%9174Ufficiale junior
9aquiles73890,000824,2347,77%19428Ufficiale junior
10Sebsebcy0,000704,0749,85%5855Ufficiale del personale
11Sibbe19970,000636,6747,38%4105Ufficiale junior
12Harry_Barnard895,042554,7346,81%2927Ufficiale del personale
13karakonjo382,4928518,5545,70%7954Ufficiale del personale
14LittlePenquin5280,000257,8641,94%2697Ufficiale junior

Storia del clan
