[NIS2A] 2-Polska Brygada Pancerna Naszej Niszy

"NISZA" Rządzi "NISZA" Radzi "NISZA" Nigdy Cię nie zdradzi !!!



-Pracujesz? Uczysz się? Masz rodzinę? Obowiązki? Zmiany w pracy? Chcesz odpocząć po tym wszystkim w miłej atmosferze i gronie przyjaciół? Lubisz grę zespołową w pełnej kulturze? TO JEST KLAN DLA CIEBIE!!!

- Wyjeżdżasz na urlop? nie będziesz grał jakiś czas? Nie ma problemu wystarczy napisać priva dowódcy!

-Jedyne do czego musisz się zastosować to regulamin, który pomoże Ci poruszać się w tak licznym gronie i przestrzegać go ponad wszystko!

- Co sobotę gry wojenne.
- Potyczki, natarcia, CW itp.
- Coroczne zloty klanowe w ekskluzywnej willi na mazurach (ODPOCZYWAMY TAM PO CAŁOROCZNEJ WALCE Z ŻYCIEM )

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 58

Media battaglie16785
Ø WN81032,45
% vittorie48,38%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan

Andrzej_GajUscito 31/03/2025, 20:07 UTC
Mallutki1989Uscito 31/03/2025, 08:07 UTC
bartek11100Uscito 31/03/2025, 08:07 UTC
gala502Uscito 31/03/2025, 08:07 UTC
maciej_p27xUscito 31/03/2025, 08:07 UTC
murgil1Uscito 31/03/2025, 08:07 UTC
RudyWolfWUscito 31/03/2025, 08:07 UTC
GRUBYV269Uscito 31/03/2025, 03:51 UTC
_vylenceUscito 31/03/2025, 03:51 UTC
Glockxx8Uscito 31/03/2025, 03:51 UTC
ZUCZEK__Uscito 31/03/2025, 03:51 UTC
CzougistaDarekUscito 31/03/2025, 03:51 UTC
patrrxUscito 31/03/2025, 03:48 UTC
DonVaar1337Uscito 31/03/2025, 03:45 UTC
Kedzios29Uscito 31/03/2025, 03:45 UTC
gasniccanaosyUscito 31/03/2025, 03:45 UTC
Player_0429476930Uscito 31/03/2025, 03:44 UTC
elkolon213Uscito 31/03/2025, 02:55 UTC
_jestemszopem_Uscito 31/03/2025, 02:54 UTC
Sloochavek_sternUscito 31/03/2025, 02:49 UTC
twojstara69_Uscito 31/03/2025, 02:48 UTC
Adix323Uscito 31/03/2025, 01:40 UTC
michas556Uscito 31/03/2025, 01:35 UTC
mortal567Uscito 31/03/2025, 01:23 UTC
piokur91Uscito 31/03/2025, 01:15 UTC
kryspinnplEntrato30/03/2025, 22:25 UTC
Player_0253894362Entrato30/03/2025, 22:25 UTC
oskapage1234Uscito 30/03/2025, 04:30 UTC
mr_czarnyUscito 29/03/2025, 23:26 UTC
LambertLambertTychuiuUscito 29/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Czapel69Uscito 28/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
poldek_2115Uscito 28/03/2025, 17:55 UTC
PawelWskEntrato27/03/2025, 19:50 UTC
tULKA_SALATIKUscito 27/03/2025, 18:01 UTC
top_469Uscito 26/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
mr_czarnyEntrato26/03/2025, 21:04 UTC
HYDRO_PLUscito 26/03/2025, 05:46 UTC
kacper123464Uscito 25/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
top_469Entrato25/03/2025, 12:37 UTC
polakdawid11Entrato25/03/2025, 09:47 UTC
messi458765Uscito 25/03/2025, 05:30 UTC
Jas_2137xdEntrato24/03/2025, 06:43 UTC
VizlagWOTUscito 24/03/2025, 05:33 UTC
lubelskiDzikEntrato23/03/2025, 19:59 UTC
messi458765Entrato23/03/2025, 13:05 UTC
NetCat_destroyerUscito 23/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
antek122012Uscito 22/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
HYDRO_PLEntrato22/03/2025, 21:02 UTC
NetCat_destroyerEntrato22/03/2025, 13:22 UTC
Player_0429476930Entrato22/03/2025, 13:22 UTC
VizlagWOTEntrato22/03/2025, 13:22 UTC
KavaNkeUscito 21/03/2025, 23:55 UTC
__xXMICHALXx__Uscito 21/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Bill40Uscito 21/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
antek122012Entrato21/03/2025, 21:03 UTC
JoLo_213Entrato21/03/2025, 17:45 UTC
poldek_2115Entrato21/03/2025, 16:19 UTC
Czapel69Entrato21/03/2025, 12:35 UTC
RudyWolfWEntrato21/03/2025, 08:12 UTC
Sloochavek_sternEntrato20/03/2025, 20:36 UTC
__xXMICHALXx__Entrato20/03/2025, 18:18 UTC
GRUBYV269Entrato20/03/2025, 17:40 UTC
KavaNkeEntrato20/03/2025, 15:38 UTC
Alexiej12Uscito 20/03/2025, 05:25 UTC
___MESSIAH___Uscito 19/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
VeiraBTKUscito 19/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
milo2805Uscito 18/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
VeiraBTKEntrato18/03/2025, 18:52 UTC
Mallutki1989Entrato18/03/2025, 17:56 UTC
_vylenceEntrato18/03/2025, 13:03 UTC
rtataEntrato18/03/2025, 09:29 UTC
Adix323Entrato18/03/2025, 08:45 UTC
gacekstajlUscito 18/03/2025, 08:23 UTC
piokur91Entrato18/03/2025, 06:50 UTC
KuropkaUscito 18/03/2025, 06:22 UTC
Alexiej12Entrato17/03/2025, 20:55 UTC
Kapitan_MagisterEntrato17/03/2025, 17:46 UTC
___MESSIAH___Entrato17/03/2025, 16:24 UTC
PlejdziakEntrato17/03/2025, 06:15 UTC
KoNgO_93Uscito 17/03/2025, 05:12 UTC
solar111Uscito 17/03/2025, 02:20 UTC
dominik11857Uscito 16/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Suffering_666Uscito 16/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
milo2805Entrato16/03/2025, 21:02 UTC
vBloodyWOTUscito 16/03/2025, 20:29 UTC
solar111Entrato16/03/2025, 19:36 UTC
KoNgO_93Entrato16/03/2025, 19:33 UTC
gala502Entrato16/03/2025, 17:06 UTC
ufk1823Entrato16/03/2025, 17:06 UTC
Suffering_666Entrato16/03/2025, 11:43 UTC
swieru_5Uscito 16/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
PVBTUscito 16/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
ZUCZEK__Entrato16/03/2025, 02:49 UTC
Kkamill2017Uscito 15/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
vBloodyWOTEntrato15/03/2025, 20:59 UTC
PattolusEntrato15/03/2025, 19:54 UTC
TanRIVEntrato15/03/2025, 19:54 UTC
KuropkaEntrato15/03/2025, 12:27 UTC
kacper123464Entrato15/03/2025, 12:27 UTC
PVBTEntrato15/03/2025, 10:14 UTC
boruto2341Uscito 15/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
swieru_5Entrato15/03/2025, 00:39 UTC
TankuujUscito 14/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
damcio2508Uscito 14/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Cobra1979_1Uscito 14/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
gacekstajlEntrato14/03/2025, 20:43 UTC
boruto2341Entrato14/03/2025, 15:32 UTC
Cobra1979_1Entrato14/03/2025, 13:22 UTC
patrrxEntrato14/03/2025, 13:17 UTC
Kkamill2017Entrato14/03/2025, 08:11 UTC
wodzu1111Uscito 13/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
rafaelo1212rUscito 13/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
adamat1829Uscito 13/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Dawid_palUscito 13/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
michas556Entrato13/03/2025, 19:59 UTC
dominik11857Entrato13/03/2025, 18:46 UTC
gasniccanaosyEntrato13/03/2025, 16:28 UTC
Glockxx8Entrato13/03/2025, 08:42 UTC
Gizmo_1983Entrato12/03/2025, 22:12 UTC
murgil1Entrato12/03/2025, 19:05 UTC
Pawe_kr_l_destroyerEntrato12/03/2025, 18:46 UTC
patryk0912Entrato12/03/2025, 10:44 UTC
_jestemszopem_Entrato12/03/2025, 09:42 UTC
synek8Uscito 12/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
_PedatorPL_Uscito 12/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
gremzz_Uscito 12/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
ACTIVE_2019Uscito 12/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
Prezes_534Uscito 12/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
MocArrny1Uscito 12/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
oskarkomon1998Uscito 12/03/2025, 08:27 UTC
PENER_2018Uscito 12/03/2025, 02:20 UTC
Kam_il7703Uscito 12/03/2025, 00:14 UTC
Player_8823421006Uscito 12/03/2025, 00:14 UTC
Bubaj_PLUscito 11/03/2025, 23:48 UTC
Vladoo1_1Uscito 11/03/2025, 23:47 UTC
mortal567Entrato11/03/2025, 23:38 UTC
pawel121899Uscito 11/03/2025, 23:22 UTC
freindlUscito 11/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
urwis0Uscito 11/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
KubiiszonekUscito 11/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
pawel121899Entrato11/03/2025, 20:36 UTC
oskarkomon1998Entrato11/03/2025, 19:57 UTC
gulboEntrato11/03/2025, 18:33 UTC
KubiiszonekEntrato11/03/2025, 09:04 UTC
synek8Entrato11/03/2025, 07:23 UTC
gh0st5599Uscito 11/03/2025, 02:37 UTC
ACTIVE_2019Entrato11/03/2025, 01:03 UTC
urwis0Entrato10/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Michal140914Uscito 10/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Prezes_534Entrato10/03/2025, 18:43 UTC
TankuujEntrato10/03/2025, 18:07 UTC
Bill40Entrato10/03/2025, 00:52 UTC
biskup13Uscito 09/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Brazylia89Uscito 09/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Mati_GG_G0_N3XTUscito 09/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
polisz_kafelUscito 09/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
jaszczur198Uscito 09/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
bronelob_15Uscito 09/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Leon_KazUscito 09/03/2025, 18:13 UTC
Michal140914Entrato09/03/2025, 18:05 UTC
jeziorko_2015Entrato09/03/2025, 18:05 UTC
freindlEntrato09/03/2025, 18:05 UTC
polak2007plEntrato09/03/2025, 18:05 UTC
bronelob_15Entrato09/03/2025, 14:44 UTC
Bubaj_PLEntrato09/03/2025, 12:24 UTC
tULKA_SALATIKEntrato09/03/2025, 11:43 UTC
mciras123Uscito 09/03/2025, 11:39 UTC
mariusz23123Uscito 09/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
biskup13Entrato08/03/2025, 22:29 UTC
Kedzios29Entrato08/03/2025, 22:29 UTC
DmastersssUscito 08/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
si_MarcoUscito 08/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Leon_KazEntrato08/03/2025, 20:00 UTC
Kyre14Uscito 08/03/2025, 17:29 UTC
jaszczur198Entrato08/03/2025, 17:07 UTC
Kam_il7703Entrato08/03/2025, 15:58 UTC
polisz_kafelEntrato08/03/2025, 15:58 UTC
Vladoo1_1Entrato08/03/2025, 15:58 UTC
Oskar_697Uscito 08/03/2025, 14:18 UTC
Player_8823421006Entrato07/03/2025, 21:14 UTC
Oskar_697Entrato07/03/2025, 21:13 UTC
Wojtek_defenderxUscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
elkolon213Entrato07/03/2025, 20:28 UTC
Brazylia89Entrato07/03/2025, 19:38 UTC
damcio2508Entrato07/03/2025, 07:34 UTC
ProbablyAnUnknownUscito 06/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
najmocniejszy2_2Entrato06/03/2025, 19:50 UTC
ProbablyAnUnknownEntrato06/03/2025, 08:34 UTC
si_MarcoEntrato05/03/2025, 23:13 UTC
sak592Uscito 05/03/2025, 20:19 UTC
poprostu_maciekUscito 05/03/2025, 09:06 UTC
tider572017Uscito 05/03/2025, 05:34 UTC
YuddddUscito 04/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
gardaniesEntrato04/03/2025, 20:52 UTC
_PedatorPL_Entrato04/03/2025, 17:07 UTC
mciras123Entrato04/03/2025, 17:07 UTC
niszczyciel_20_01Uscito 04/03/2025, 14:19 UTC
gh0st5599Entrato04/03/2025, 11:57 UTC
sak592Entrato03/03/2025, 21:20 UTC
lufomajsterUscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
koxio2244Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
koka011xdUscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
pawilon28234Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Olafowski2k_Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Black_horse2Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Play_games_497Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
X__MrDoom__XUscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Kedzios29Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
mainerpUscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
kubox613Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
baddogUscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Fire_Frog_FFUscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Faixon2Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
SnickerBarsikUscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Heniu_KomarEntrato03/03/2025, 20:14 UTC
mariusz23123Entrato03/03/2025, 19:56 UTC
niszczyciel_20_01Entrato03/03/2025, 19:10 UTC
poprostu_maciekEntrato03/03/2025, 18:49 UTC
tider572017Entrato03/03/2025, 11:36 UTC
rafaelo1212rEntrato03/03/2025, 11:36 UTC
YuddddEntrato03/03/2025, 09:59 UTC
faza23Uscito 03/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
Black_horse2Entrato02/03/2025, 21:30 UTC
szukamklanudiscordUscito 02/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
diabello81Uscito 02/03/2025, 20:13 UTC
Wojtek_defenderxEntrato02/03/2025, 14:35 UTC
MK2_2025Uscito 02/03/2025, 11:53 UTC
jaloszek1405Uscito 02/03/2025, 11:22 UTC
kubox613Entrato02/03/2025, 09:15 UTC