[MUTE] Mute enemy team

“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” ― Bob Marley


TS: mute.teamspeak.pl
FB Kapitan Beczka
Kapitan Beczka - YouTube

✉ Wymagania na kampanie: 4000+ na nowych X (+100 bitew)

⚔️Manewry (listopad 2024) - TOP 9 klanów na serwerze EU, TOP 200 graczy,
26 odznak legendy mapy globalnej, 55 000 golda (rozdane graczom),
71 licencje na czołg (akademia MUTE- 22 licencje na czołg)
⚔️ Manewry - TOP 10 klanów na serwerze EU, TOP 100 graczy,
19 odznak legendy mapy globalnej, 55 000 golda (rozdane graczom),
62 licencje na czołg (akademia MUTE- 15 licencji na czołg)
⚔️ Bogowie wojny - 32 licencje na czołg, TOP 700 graczy, TOP 10% klanów na serwerze EU
⚔️ Epoka żelaza - 14 licencji na czołg, TOP 1600 graczy, TOP 10 polskich klanów

Zapraszamy również do naszych innych klanów: MUTE- oraz MUT3

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 85

Media battaglie11118
Ø WN81611,85
% vittorie51,64%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan

olly_2k9Uscito 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
MaYa_LaMacZ_iMaDeLUscito 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
DuWillstKaempfenEntrato23/03/2025, 13:51 UTC
FameYoutubeEntrato23/03/2025, 13:51 UTC
airplane34Uscito 21/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
SopLor42Uscito 20/03/2025, 20:28 UTC
airplane34Entrato20/03/2025, 15:40 UTC
SopLor42Entrato19/03/2025, 18:32 UTC
Fay_WinxUscito 19/03/2025, 17:58 UTC
mubibm0Entrato19/03/2025, 13:20 UTC
AenCraD_GGO_Entrato18/03/2025, 17:16 UTC
MrShacalUscito 17/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
Lysy1021Entrato17/03/2025, 01:18 UTC
world_of_tanks_2017_heroUscito 16/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
LittlePartyzantUscito 16/03/2025, 05:50 UTC
kokusz85spotterEntrato15/03/2025, 13:01 UTC
Nomyzs__Uscito 13/03/2025, 23:21 UTC
Fay_WinxEntrato13/03/2025, 14:47 UTC
hrapachevEntrato13/03/2025, 13:13 UTC
swat0104Entrato13/03/2025, 13:13 UTC
seriseri07Uscito 12/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
BBkiler_BBUscito 12/03/2025, 17:35 UTC
NIGHT_BY_NIGHT__Uscito 12/03/2025, 08:37 UTC
Bra1nBreaker__Uscito 10/03/2025, 23:59 UTC
Elwis11Uscito 10/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
BBkiler_BBEntrato09/03/2025, 23:50 UTC
___TryHardLEE_Wave___Uscito 09/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
_Nervous_Mort_Uscito 08/03/2025, 23:26 UTC
SanqiniorUscito 08/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
pijuks2005Uscito 08/03/2025, 20:19 UTC
RixTArter1994Entrato08/03/2025, 01:15 UTC
Feed_Your_HeadUscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Pancerny_WUscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Crow1309Entrato07/03/2025, 18:19 UTC
ToJuzPoWasUscito 07/03/2025, 17:16 UTC
66rafaeloo66Entrato06/03/2025, 15:12 UTC
GantastrelUscito 06/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
PokerFac3Uscito 04/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
1_iMove_1Uscito 04/03/2025, 17:53 UTC
P4NZ3R_spermokulkaUscito 04/03/2025, 17:29 UTC
NIGHT_BY_NIGHT__Entrato04/03/2025, 15:17 UTC
world_of_tanks_2017_heroEntrato04/03/2025, 15:17 UTC
EJBER_LP1992Uscito 04/03/2025, 09:06 UTC
CisioUscito 04/03/2025, 05:16 UTC
FiReFiGhT3R_TuXiUscito 03/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
P4NZ3R_spermokulkaEntrato03/03/2025, 17:50 UTC
MrShacalEntrato02/03/2025, 22:14 UTC
ToJuzPoWasEntrato02/03/2025, 17:29 UTC
GantastrelEntrato02/03/2025, 07:27 UTC
domel_320Uscito 02/03/2025, 06:01 UTC
reformed__pepperoniUscito 01/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
heros_destroyerUscito 01/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
top_kgb_301Uscito 01/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
gasperk8Uscito 01/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
165464456Uscito 01/03/2025, 17:39 UTC
___TryHardLEE_Wave___Entrato01/03/2025, 16:54 UTC
SIKROSSEntrato28/02/2025, 19:10 UTC
Bra1nBreaker__Entrato28/02/2025, 00:37 UTC
The_Almighty_DuckEntrato27/02/2025, 13:53 UTC
SPIRIT0_1Uscito 26/02/2025, 05:35 UTC
damixlolUscito 25/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
gun_pistolUscito 25/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
luki_kukiUscito 25/02/2025, 17:29 UTC
PokerFac3Entrato25/02/2025, 14:09 UTC
1_iMove_1Entrato25/02/2025, 04:23 UTC
Goost_Redline_MasterUscito 24/02/2025, 09:06 UTC
kenaJ_ny5ywkurSEntrato23/02/2025, 20:05 UTC
SanqiniorEntrato23/02/2025, 18:15 UTC
165464456Entrato22/02/2025, 12:20 UTC