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Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 100

Media battaglie28903
Ø WN81044,17
% vittorie48,35%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan

TIKVOREZZZZZUscito 26/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
teogricaEntrato26/03/2025, 19:08 UTC
dhnzEntrato26/03/2025, 16:44 UTC
777tgp777Entrato26/03/2025, 16:32 UTC
BrandanskyUscito 26/03/2025, 11:28 UTC
AZAZEL_611Uscito 26/03/2025, 08:25 UTC
slava50bUscito 25/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
AZAZEL_611Entrato25/03/2025, 20:15 UTC
nelskie3000Uscito 25/03/2025, 17:28 UTC
VETER_734Entrato25/03/2025, 14:51 UTC
BrandanskyEntrato25/03/2025, 09:10 UTC
dhnzUscito 25/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
gaston67Uscito 25/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
T0xan_paxanEntrato25/03/2025, 05:47 UTC
Volyniaka_WOTUscito 24/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
arcadi_parovozovUscito 24/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Cass7deculotteUscito 24/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
hindangleyteUscito 24/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
vitya66664Entrato24/03/2025, 19:43 UTC
dr_orlenckoEntrato24/03/2025, 19:30 UTC
NexaRebornEntrato24/03/2025, 16:08 UTC
TALPA65Entrato24/03/2025, 16:08 UTC
AemKey__Entrato24/03/2025, 16:07 UTC
Kiire83Entrato24/03/2025, 11:14 UTC
Dualz22Uscito 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Artem100RobotnikUscito 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
sturkovUscito 23/03/2025, 20:29 UTC
Dedpihto0Entrato23/03/2025, 18:40 UTC
RunningWildxUscito 23/03/2025, 17:35 UTC
nelskie3000Entrato23/03/2025, 13:48 UTC
GrayFox317Uscito 22/03/2025, 20:17 UTC
Dualz22Entrato22/03/2025, 18:54 UTC
MrsChummyChumUscito 22/03/2025, 17:39 UTC
dhnzEntrato22/03/2025, 17:02 UTC
ksamazzmeevEntrato22/03/2025, 14:30 UTC
ShotGunLarryUscito 22/03/2025, 09:06 UTC
BAHEK_777Uscito 22/03/2025, 09:06 UTC
P0NTIUS_PILATUSEntrato22/03/2025, 08:42 UTC
GIGA_StukaEntrato21/03/2025, 22:41 UTC
RunningWildxEntrato21/03/2025, 22:12 UTC
MrsChummyChumEntrato21/03/2025, 18:48 UTC
Nikolay_771Uscito 21/03/2025, 11:37 UTC
Nisa15Entrato21/03/2025, 08:18 UTC
jac1819Uscito 21/03/2025, 05:54 UTC
lukesmith935Uscito 20/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
WailldUscito 20/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
_w_o_t_igrokEntrato20/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
vaxa2112Entrato20/03/2025, 14:02 UTC
sturkovEntrato20/03/2025, 09:59 UTC
WailldEntrato20/03/2025, 07:45 UTC
maks_blitz1996Uscito 20/03/2025, 05:48 UTC
DowdanqosUscito 19/03/2025, 23:57 UTC
_SnegovikUscito 19/03/2025, 20:24 UTC
Papa_v_tanke_55rusUscito 19/03/2025, 17:58 UTC
sungur61Entrato19/03/2025, 16:38 UTC
lukesmith935Entrato19/03/2025, 16:01 UTC
Orion_088Uscito 19/03/2025, 08:27 UTC
gaston67Entrato18/03/2025, 23:05 UTC
Coca_CoJIaUscito 18/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
lelendrUscito 18/03/2025, 20:44 UTC
Orion_088Entrato18/03/2025, 20:39 UTC
trener007_71619580Entrato18/03/2025, 20:08 UTC
bobSTAYLEntrato18/03/2025, 19:04 UTC
PePs1_CoLaUscito 18/03/2025, 17:45 UTC
_MARTTINO_Uscito 18/03/2025, 14:24 UTC
Aemk3yEntrato18/03/2025, 09:50 UTC
_SnegovikEntrato18/03/2025, 09:20 UTC
Nadyaru_Uscito 18/03/2025, 08:34 UTC
kychnUscito 17/03/2025, 23:40 UTC
polyak190583Uscito 17/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
14ZloY_UkRoP88Uscito 17/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
19_S_E_N_Y_A_72Uscito 17/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
_MARTTINO_Entrato17/03/2025, 19:57 UTC
PashaDizel2101Entrato17/03/2025, 19:39 UTC
Karaken85Entrato17/03/2025, 16:15 UTC
Shka_2017Entrato17/03/2025, 12:41 UTC
magilan2000Entrato17/03/2025, 11:34 UTC
Sonic234235Entrato16/03/2025, 21:14 UTC
clerk71Entrato16/03/2025, 08:28 UTC
Lex_28_Uscito 16/03/2025, 00:21 UTC
trener007_71619580Uscito 15/03/2025, 18:04 UTC
Pavlyukov_iljaUscito 15/03/2025, 17:53 UTC
culspefUscito 15/03/2025, 17:31 UTC
Godzilla7007Uscito 15/03/2025, 06:01 UTC
Junk000Entrato15/03/2025, 01:26 UTC
zLoKiTVEntrato14/03/2025, 22:45 UTC
BiGBoSsSi95Entrato14/03/2025, 22:45 UTC
altolenadaEntrato14/03/2025, 18:56 UTC
KeonezzeUscito 14/03/2025, 18:17 UTC
yuma_asumaUscito 14/03/2025, 18:17 UTC
TomatedelamorUscito 14/03/2025, 18:15 UTC
_M_1_K_1_Uscito 14/03/2025, 18:14 UTC
AdiKYRGYz08Uscito 14/03/2025, 18:04 UTC
Schale0808Entrato14/03/2025, 17:39 UTC
BAHEK_777Entrato14/03/2025, 13:00 UTC
messsingEntrato14/03/2025, 09:10 UTC
Doc4YUscito 14/03/2025, 00:28 UTC
Den1zz22Entrato13/03/2025, 23:30 UTC
_XRUST_TANKA_UAUscito 13/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
mishactalker4567Uscito 13/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
KeonezzeEntrato13/03/2025, 20:05 UTC
ParALI14Uscito 13/03/2025, 18:30 UTC
_illuSion_ua_Uscito 13/03/2025, 18:04 UTC
maliyk_1_1Entrato13/03/2025, 17:52 UTC
AbdoCR7Uscito 13/03/2025, 17:52 UTC
33KapecEntrato13/03/2025, 17:46 UTC
KrApiVq_CJ1poTEUscito 13/03/2025, 05:55 UTC
Clame1337Uscito 13/03/2025, 05:44 UTC
_XRUST_TANKA_UAEntrato13/03/2025, 05:43 UTC
p_a_c_a_n_4ikUscito 12/03/2025, 20:33 UTC
serdjo23Entrato12/03/2025, 20:31 UTC
jac1819Entrato12/03/2025, 19:09 UTC
Polak3434Uscito 12/03/2025, 17:52 UTC
san4es83Uscito 12/03/2025, 17:52 UTC
23kiril07Uscito 12/03/2025, 14:24 UTC
Clame1337Entrato12/03/2025, 13:10 UTC
Cass7deculotteEntrato12/03/2025, 13:10 UTC
Nikolay_771Entrato12/03/2025, 12:59 UTC
Artem100RobotnikEntrato12/03/2025, 12:59 UTC
Dmitry_132Uscito 12/03/2025, 11:36 UTC
Howitzer_MAJORUscito 12/03/2025, 08:49 UTC
jac1819Uscito 12/03/2025, 08:48 UTC
vengeance77777777Entrato11/03/2025, 23:04 UTC
Tauras2023Entrato11/03/2025, 21:05 UTC
mwill30Entrato11/03/2025, 19:19 UTC
Dmitry_132Entrato11/03/2025, 12:46 UTC
PlzNerfClickerUscito 11/03/2025, 09:06 UTC
aliferenko09Entrato10/03/2025, 17:56 UTC
PlzNerfClickerEntrato10/03/2025, 12:09 UTC
yuma_asumaEntrato10/03/2025, 12:09 UTC
SOKALSKIY101Entrato10/03/2025, 10:20 UTC
cedrichermesUscito 10/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
3aeLLUscito 10/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
TaNkIcT_105Entrato10/03/2025, 00:18 UTC
Be4uzzEntrato10/03/2025, 00:10 UTC
TARANTINO78_2606529Uscito 09/03/2025, 20:35 UTC
DramsIComelTrueUscito 09/03/2025, 18:15 UTC
alex198820132012Entrato09/03/2025, 15:20 UTC
MHE_BCE_CUPEHEBO_2016Uscito 09/03/2025, 14:28 UTC
smalish2015Uscito 09/03/2025, 14:26 UTC
san4es83Entrato09/03/2025, 11:39 UTC
cedrichermesEntrato09/03/2025, 10:57 UTC
slava50bEntrato09/03/2025, 04:22 UTC
TARANTINO78_2606529Entrato08/03/2025, 22:18 UTC
Partiz4nUscito 08/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
IsraeliUscito 08/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
markusha_2022_131248969Uscito 08/03/2025, 05:38 UTC
NoB_Gamer_MeUscito 08/03/2025, 05:21 UTC
___G__R_A__D___Uscito 08/03/2025, 00:11 UTC
_Mr_Traxer_Uscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
RonChampKill31Uscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
VuchnyaUscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
OVERLOOADUscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
predator875Entrato07/03/2025, 20:04 UTC
semkok_647246Entrato07/03/2025, 19:02 UTC
Coca_CoJIaEntrato07/03/2025, 17:47 UTC
zaha2109Entrato07/03/2025, 12:42 UTC
PePs1_CoLaEntrato07/03/2025, 11:28 UTC
AdiKYRGYz08Entrato07/03/2025, 09:10 UTC
1Du3kkaUscito 06/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Karl_krotUscito 06/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Low__CheaterUscito 06/03/2025, 17:34 UTC
Amine_AlmiUscito 06/03/2025, 17:32 UTC
eccosinEntrato06/03/2025, 16:58 UTC
vexa89Entrato06/03/2025, 16:56 UTC
Phantom_ua_uaEntrato06/03/2025, 16:37 UTC
xuchoxuchoEntrato06/03/2025, 10:18 UTC
WAR_HAMMER__Uscito 06/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
Gaben_TNTUscito 05/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Lex_28_Entrato05/03/2025, 20:04 UTC
Silentsc0rpi0nEntrato05/03/2025, 18:45 UTC
TomatedelamorEntrato05/03/2025, 17:45 UTC
nicobertUscito 05/03/2025, 17:20 UTC
WAR_HAMMER__Entrato05/03/2025, 13:20 UTC
_666_666__Uscito 04/03/2025, 20:30 UTC
horche89Uscito 04/03/2025, 20:23 UTC
Dmitry_132Uscito 04/03/2025, 17:32 UTC
Papa_v_tanke_55rusEntrato04/03/2025, 15:18 UTC
KrApiVq_CJ1poTEEntrato04/03/2025, 14:39 UTC
MaxOwaREntrato04/03/2025, 08:51 UTC
VaSa_429Uscito 03/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
_666_666__Entrato03/03/2025, 14:21 UTC
kikof11Entrato03/03/2025, 12:01 UTC
skorpion_415Uscito 03/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
chuzhoy_IGROKUscito 03/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
maks_blitz1996Entrato02/03/2025, 21:51 UTC
AzertypeekUscito 02/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
PaladerUscito 02/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Cannon_MAJORUscito 02/03/2025, 18:08 UTC
PaladerEntrato02/03/2025, 13:07 UTC
Dmitry_132Entrato02/03/2025, 12:00 UTC
14ZloY_UkRoP88Entrato01/03/2025, 22:02 UTC
Cannon_MAJOREntrato01/03/2025, 21:37 UTC
karyan54Uscito 01/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Why_are_you_crying_Uscito 01/03/2025, 14:21 UTC
Why_are_you_crying_Entrato01/03/2025, 08:30 UTC
julien82700Uscito 28/02/2025, 23:48 UTC
ChinggisKhan_2019Uscito 28/02/2025, 23:48 UTC
Karl_krotEntrato28/02/2025, 17:42 UTC
horche89Entrato28/02/2025, 07:58 UTC
julien82700Entrato27/02/2025, 21:50 UTC
_dima_21Uscito 27/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
MechugganUscito 27/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
AzertypeekEntrato27/02/2025, 21:00 UTC
PaladerUscito 27/02/2025, 18:00 UTC
QualityCMUscito 27/02/2025, 17:35 UTC
InvincibilulUscito 27/02/2025, 17:16 UTC
Partiz4nEntrato27/02/2025, 16:13 UTC
23kiril07Entrato27/02/2025, 16:00 UTC
MHE_BCE_CUPEHEBO_2016Entrato27/02/2025, 15:55 UTC
SergeySemenov777Uscito 27/02/2025, 09:07 UTC
Rengar_rebornUscito 26/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
____Valeriy____Uscito 26/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
1Du3kkaEntrato26/02/2025, 20:33 UTC
andy_xxUscito 26/02/2025, 20:18 UTC
Nastix_marksmanUscito 26/02/2025, 17:41 UTC
_Mr_Traxer_Entrato26/02/2025, 17:14 UTC
DramsIComelTrueEntrato26/02/2025, 16:50 UTC
one_shot_one_killsUscito 26/02/2025, 14:21 UTC
DesandressUscito 26/02/2025, 14:20 UTC
Amine_AlmiEntrato26/02/2025, 13:45 UTC
ta1yo69Uscito 26/02/2025, 11:37 UTC
Maxxxtro1Uscito 26/02/2025, 11:35 UTC
Doc4YEntrato26/02/2025, 11:27 UTC
nicobertEntrato26/02/2025, 10:01 UTC
sryforthisEntrato26/02/2025, 09:36 UTC
Rengar_rebornEntrato26/02/2025, 02:05 UTC
1212324sUscito 25/02/2025, 23:54 UTC
Odesskiy_pesEntrato25/02/2025, 23:06 UTC
CandyFOOXUscito 25/02/2025, 20:32 UTC
Maks23311Uscito 25/02/2025, 20:30 UTC
DesandressEntrato25/02/2025, 19:18 UTC
VaSa_429Entrato25/02/2025, 15:55 UTC
smalish2015Entrato25/02/2025, 08:16 UTC
Rengar_rebornUscito 25/02/2025, 02:32 UTC
FinnedDay69Uscito 25/02/2025, 01:05 UTC