[IRPIA] The Persian Immortals Imperial Army

Being sedentary is the only way to defeat. "Cyrus The Great"


No age restrictions.
Looking for players with a minimum 1500 battles,
No requirement for special Tanks, you can be a specialist in any model or type.
The only Rule is that you should type and understand English , Diversity in counsel & unity in command.

Terms of Promotion :
> Recruit => B/W : 50
> Private => P/W:500
> Junior Officer => P/W:1500
> Quartermaster => P/W:3000
> Intelligence Officer => P/W:5000 & E/B:1200
> Combat Officer => Intelligence Officer Qualification & DMG:1800 & HR:90%
> Personnel Officer => Combat Officer Qualification & W/B:70%
> Executive Officer => Personnel Officer Qualification & PR:11000

P/W : Plunder per Week (Industrial Resource earned per week)

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 47

Media battaglie5473
Ø WN8752,22
% vittorie48,00%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan
