[IQWXP] Special Forces - Strategic - tactical - reaction + IQ discipline !!!

Please follow the strategies,you will not only look at wn8.See also team medals - IQWOT.com ! Bonus


Clan pentru dezvoltare si relaxare .Daca aduci 5000 caramizi meriti 50 gold de la speciale cand se fac . Colaboram cu strategi din clanul raf-h . We work with raf-h clan strategists. Cine are tier 10 va fi transferat daca este loc la clanul raf-h . Who has tier 10 will be transferred if there is a raf-h clan.

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 93

Media battaglie14690
Ø WN8949,66
% vittorie48,10%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan

DersilEntrato23/03/2025, 19:45 UTC
polminiusEntrato22/03/2025, 19:38 UTC
Romka_DEntrato22/03/2025, 19:13 UTC
Sergey1982_1Uscito 20/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
stefb1981atwarUscito 19/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
Dyst193Entrato18/03/2025, 19:40 UTC
KebabmieszanyEntrato14/03/2025, 22:16 UTC
stefb1981atwarEntrato14/03/2025, 20:33 UTC
GaneszaEntrato13/03/2025, 21:01 UTC
dudusplEntrato13/03/2025, 20:58 UTC
UBear11Uscito 08/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
fiery_Mage_295Uscito 08/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
LEZO_60HzUscito 08/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
_poland_135_Uscito 08/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
TheForessterUscito 08/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
WARSAWAUscito 08/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
JacobTutajUscito 08/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
xasdomgasdxEntrato06/03/2025, 12:50 UTC
Stelli2k12Entrato04/03/2025, 21:19 UTC
239HEntrato04/03/2025, 19:22 UTC
KosjeracArtiljeracEntrato04/03/2025, 19:09 UTC
Flexx_189Entrato04/03/2025, 18:50 UTC
nikacholokavaEntrato04/03/2025, 18:46 UTC
TheBlackRainbow01Uscito 27/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
TheBlackRainbow01Entrato26/02/2025, 10:31 UTC
JOKER_NT11Entrato25/02/2025, 22:09 UTC
OtterEntrato25/02/2025, 22:06 UTC
AnlimiteLEntrato24/02/2025, 23:09 UTC