[FP-EU] Fail Platoon

The Casual Clan Made For Casual players


We Are 'The' Clan for the all casual players. We don't take our selves too seriously and put no pressure on players to play/platoon. We are mostly a bunch of blokes playing for enjoyment of the game.

We accept players of all abilities. New players or very experienced players are welcome. New players to the game can be taught tips and tricks, as well as advice on what tanks to get ect...

We use Discord during games, but usually we use Facebook Messenger for group chat for daily chat and discussions about the game as well as the up and coming updates to the game.

For more info contact:

Benrichley (in game), Ben.richley on instagram, or Horsesinmycar#6893 on discord.

Capt_Pugwash_EU (in game), or Capt_Pugwash#1208 on discord.

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 29

Media battaglie12930
Ø WN81140,30
% vittorie49,51%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan
