[DUNKL] The D4rk Side

In der Dunkelheit lauert unsere Stärke, im Licht liegt die Schwäche des Feindes.


DUNKL - The D4rk Side

Wir sind ein erfolgsorientierter Clan, der aktiv Vorstoß fährt!

- TeamSpeak 3
- Folgenden Panzer:
-> CS-63, 60TP, IS-7, BZ-75
-> ~ 2400 DPG
- Fähig sein bis 5 zu zählen
- Aktiv am Clan leben teilnehmen!

Was wir bieten
- Aktive Spieler und erfahrene FKs
- Aktive Clan Booster (automatisiert)
- Eigener TS, Discord sowie WA-Gruppe zur Nachrichtenverbreitung

> Manöver 24: 38 Panzer + Epic Win medal ( 109 winning streak )


Rekrutierung : Der_Schiessmuskel, Dark_Kampfzwerg, _TrusT997_, MetriickZ, Pupsi_Die_Fehlzuendung05, DieFeuerFaust14

Diplo : Str0ga, Bongotrommler

Viel Erfolg und Gut Schuss!

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 97

Media battaglie28512
Ø WN81955,37
% vittorie53,55%

Membri del clan

Statistiche skirmish


Storia del clan

martinlouis_2019Uscito 21/03/2025, 23:50 UTC
B4mTimeUscito 21/03/2025, 23:26 UTC
HanSoloAndChewieUscito 12/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
H4rley_QuinnEntrato11/03/2025, 15:48 UTC
Zentheas43Entrato08/03/2025, 09:31 UTC
Pitty1983Entrato07/03/2025, 20:55 UTC
Trump2024_DripsTooHardEntrato07/03/2025, 18:56 UTC
Lightling_DripsTooHardEntrato07/03/2025, 16:36 UTC
ZseseralEntrato06/03/2025, 21:04 UTC
MJGO4TEntrato06/03/2025, 18:44 UTC
Prinzessin_MajaEntrato06/03/2025, 10:26 UTC
TaragonEntrato05/03/2025, 20:28 UTC
borzikaEntrato05/03/2025, 19:35 UTC
B4mTimeEntrato05/03/2025, 19:22 UTC
ZappelinUscito 05/03/2025, 17:17 UTC
yumokiUscito 05/03/2025, 14:17 UTC
Deany123Entrato05/03/2025, 11:48 UTC
SupaSlamaPajamaUscito 05/03/2025, 11:28 UTC
YetoKnightUscito 05/03/2025, 11:27 UTC
Florian7878Uscito 05/03/2025, 11:18 UTC
kindlEUscito 04/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
RandalffEntrato04/03/2025, 19:06 UTC
FritzVonHintenEntrato04/03/2025, 14:33 UTC
_Sir_Bouncealot_Entrato04/03/2025, 11:59 UTC
_TrusT997_Uscito 03/03/2025, 23:57 UTC
KullerKekz98Entrato03/03/2025, 19:53 UTC
Dr_Rockso_on_CocainUscito 02/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Lidl_DripsTooHardEntrato02/03/2025, 18:16 UTC
lPikassuslUscito 02/03/2025, 17:40 UTC
Forello_DripsTooHardEntrato02/03/2025, 15:37 UTC
Schlonzo_DripsTooHardEntrato02/03/2025, 15:18 UTC
FussMasseur_DripsTooHardEntrato02/03/2025, 11:35 UTC
GaMiNG_WheeIChaiRUscito 02/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
Goat_Killer_69Entrato01/03/2025, 20:30 UTC
hybaZZorUscito 01/03/2025, 09:07 UTC
ZdendaJ09Uscito 01/03/2025, 05:30 UTC
Bl00dySoulderUscito 28/02/2025, 23:27 UTC
AnciusUscito 28/02/2025, 23:18 UTC
QuattroXUscito 28/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
kpkecsoUscito 28/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
klatsch0815Entrato28/02/2025, 20:12 UTC
Marksman_BediEntrato28/02/2025, 17:31 UTC
Zahnfee_triangle_enjoyerEntrato25/02/2025, 20:26 UTC
SilenterrrorEntrato25/02/2025, 13:51 UTC
Syer01Entrato25/02/2025, 12:42 UTC
Shelby_999Uscito 25/02/2025, 09:06 UTC
LordOfWar_AbitAbusiveEntrato25/02/2025, 06:44 UTC
CaptainUseless69Entrato24/02/2025, 20:56 UTC
Speedy_da_DonutGodEntrato24/02/2025, 20:49 UTC
ocir11Entrato24/02/2025, 20:45 UTC
todesprankeEntrato24/02/2025, 16:32 UTC
martinlouis_2019Entrato23/02/2025, 14:45 UTC