[BIRT] Born In The Red Times


Siemka, czołgiści!

Witamy w klanie każdego, kto chce grać i zarabiać więcej na każdej bitwie z bonusami klanowymi. Tylko na kredyty mamy w magazynie około 1300 (!) dopałek i puszczamy je 6-10 godzin dziennie, bo nas na to stać ! ;-) A są też rezerwy na załogę i expa. ;-)
To proste. Nie gramy klanowo. TS3 i Discord NIE SĄ OBOWIĄZKOWE. Graj sobie swoje randomy i zarabiaj więcej z naszymi bonusami.

W razie pytań pisz do: RozpylaczOlowiu


Hello, tankers!

Welcome to the clan for anyone who wants to play and earn more credits each battle with clan bonuses. Only for credits we have about 1,300 (!) bonuses in stock and we use them 6-10 hours a day because we can afford it! ;-) And there are also bonuses for crew and EXP. ;-)
It's easy. We don't play clan games. TS3 and Discord IS NOT MANDATORY. Play your random battles and earn more with our bonuses.

If you have any questions, write to: RozpylaczOlowiu


Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 99

Media battaglie22721
Ø WN81360,43
% vittorie50,48%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan

WolfikItalianoUscito 23/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
matoo1122Entrato23/03/2025, 19:19 UTC
miLOSZ657Uscito 22/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
NoNiceQEntrato22/03/2025, 19:44 UTC
iPancernaEntrato15/03/2025, 17:39 UTC
virgil_dunnUscito 14/03/2025, 21:06 UTC
MarcelekEntrato13/03/2025, 20:16 UTC
iPancernyEntrato10/03/2025, 19:53 UTC
miki11mikiEntrato04/03/2025, 22:14 UTC
emeryt_na_gaskachUscito 02/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
PuDziXxoNUscito 02/03/2025, 17:16 UTC
damek23Entrato02/03/2025, 10:04 UTC
Rex_pogromcaUscito 26/02/2025, 21:06 UTC
bernivikiUscito 25/02/2025, 23:27 UTC
gofer1111Uscito 23/02/2025, 21:07 UTC
RusekFGEntrato23/02/2025, 19:06 UTC
PrzeciezWiemUscito 23/02/2025, 09:06 UTC
Benb0Uscito 23/02/2025, 02:19 UTC
Germanic_MaximusEntrato22/02/2025, 22:54 UTC
Sebko102Entrato22/02/2025, 16:31 UTC