[BDIAD] Beer Drinkers - Intoxicated and Dangerous

Bibendum Eget Dolor Et Lacus


BDIAD is an english speaking clan aimed at providing a social gaming atmosphere without the pressure to grind up the trees. The clan leaders are ex-clan wars players who just wanted to drink beer, be social and play tanks.

All nationalities are welcomed but English is the accepted language. If you meet the requirements and are interested in joining please feel free to contact one of the clan leaders in game or by PM who will get back to you as soon as possible.

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 13

Media battaglie17678
Ø WN81121,04
% vittorie50,64%

Membri del clan

#Nome30D WN830D BattlesWN8% vittorieBattaglieUltima battagliaPosizioneEntrato
1TwoBettySwollocks1423,014171665,7652,19%22212Ufficiale Esecutivo
2Operatestorm1352,84221420,6251,21%6155Ufficiale junior
4Tighthead_Prop1061,707651237,8152,62%61920Ufficiale Esecutivo
5Ironbru20,0001092,5750,95%17828Ufficiale junior
6ilyes20020,0001076,6250,60%3476Ufficiale junior
7Dansolo_20200,000963,1751,42%387Ufficiale junior
8PepperTheKobold0,000897,4648,70%12512Ufficiale di Combattimento
10old_scopie19450,000733,3248,69%36892Ufficiale Esecutivo
11artyblaster20,000637,1748,78%10452Ufficiale Esecutivo
12LORD_DA_421580,000629,1047,08%1629Ufficiale junior
13boozybaz0,000547,3048,48%10770Ufficiale intelligence

Storia del clan
