[252ND] 252nd Armor Regiment

Death by Boomstick


Hey Folks,

252nd is a Clan created by family. This means also that we are looking to keep a respectfull and player friendly mood for everyone that plays with us.
We are currently active in stronghold battles.

We offer Voice over IP and a great and friendly Clan to get all of you folks going and rolling steel across the nations ;).
What do we expect from everyone is that you are respectfull and friendly towards eveyrone in the Clan but also out of it aswell. That you have Teamspeak installed since that is the program we will be using and that you have a working mic or headset to go with that ofcourse.
It is mandatory for the folks that want to go in Tank Companies or do Clanwars to use this program and be able to talk since it will be used to work togheter and plan out tactics during battle.

So if your interested in joining a Clan this might be a great place for you i'l be seeing you on the field o7.

TS info:

address: hottentot.guildts.com:8311
pass: superman

Statistiche del clan

Numero di membri: 94

Media battaglie11126
Ø WN81101,68
% vittorie49,05%

Membri del clan


Storia del clan

Predsednik_VucicUscito 17/03/2025, 05:29 UTC
rx7Entrato16/03/2025, 22:05 UTC
Predsednik_VucicEntrato13/03/2025, 21:43 UTC
Freddy_Fazbear_5Entrato13/03/2025, 06:59 UTC
rx7Uscito 13/03/2025, 05:26 UTC
waxw3azl3Uscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
HILUscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
NibofoxUscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
NichodemiusUscito 07/03/2025, 21:07 UTC
Predsednik_VucicUscito 05/03/2025, 05:49 UTC